How to hook Database Operations
A general hook function looks like this. When you use create,get,refresh,update,delete operations on Account this function will be executed.
var databaseAccountOperationHook = func(operationInfo *client.OperationInfo, model *Account, operationFunc func() error) error {
return operationFunc()
You can set this operation hook by function below. Your hook function can get operation info, db model itself and operation function will be executed.
func SetDatabaseAccountOperationHook(f func(operationInfo *client.OperationInfo, model *Account, operationFunc func() error) error) {
databaseAccountOperationHook = f
Let’s say we don’t want our account models have empty name and surname before updated. We can put a check on hook to control update function.
func HookAccount(operationInfo *client.OperationInfo, model *Account, operationFunc func() error) error {
switch operationInfo.OperationType{
case client.OperationType.Update:
if model.GetName() == "" || model.GetSurName() == ""{
return errors.New("Account name and surname can't be empty")
For List models you can use below functions.
var databaseAccountListOperationHook = func(operationInfo *client.OperationInfo, model *AccountList, operationFunc func() error) error {
return operationFunc()
func SetDatabaseAccountListOperationHook(f func(operationInfo *client.OperationInfo, model *AccountList, operationFunc func() error) error) {
databaseAccountListOperationHook = f